Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ways of the World Chapter 17: Feminist Beginnings

I was extremely interested in the section of feminist beginnings. I found it interesting and inspiring to read about the women who in the 1700's took a chance and voiced thier ideas in the enlightenment period that lead to the beginning of the feminist movement across the world. The revolution provided opportunity for women by creating the possibility of re-creating societies on new foundations that contained new ideas on equality. Women participated in the various events in order to see the revolutionary ideals of liberty and equality included women. However the acknowledgement of these rights were denied till future times. Although this was the case women were still able to find some educational opportunities and freedom from household ties during the hustle and bustle of the industrial revolution.
I found this inspiring to see that these women were fed up with the life that they were forced to live and had the bravery and overall abitity to speak up for themselves. These miniscule outbursts of feministic ideas everntually lead to the equality of women. Equality may not have happened instantly but it did need to be introduced as an idea and this is what these women did. I almost feel empowered as a woman in this society with all the opportunity that I have. In the past I have taken equality and the availability of opportunity for granted, but this section in the textbook reminded me of how fortunate I truely am and made me truely thankful for these strong women who fought for the freedom that I am now able to enjoy. It is inspiring to know and fell what women are capable. Females have come a long way in society and there is still a long way to go and more equality to achieve, and I am fortunate and willing to do my part in ensuring fair treatment of females.

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